
Monday, March 30, 2015

'Abundance' (Day 2) Hannah Gives Back to God

          Finish the following sentences and share (if you’d like) for responses:
·         If I had a million dollars;

o   I would feel...
o   I would use it to…

  If I had one year of free time…

Read, 1 Samuel 1:11 & 1:21-28

·         What did Hannah do with the abundance she received from God?

·         What have you requested of the Lord lately?

·         How has He answered your prayers and what was your response?

Read, 1 Samuel 2:1-10

·         Does this surprise you that Hannah rejoiced as she gave Samuel back to the Lord?

·         What was the source of her joy?

Satan also likes to tempt us to believe that we have worked hard, been good, and in general have earned and deserve the abundance we have. How does modern society help foster this belief? What can this belief do to our willingness to share our abundance with others?

Read, Romans 3:10-18

·         What do we really deserve from God?

Read, Psalm 103:8-13

·         What does God give us instead? Why?

Again we see how our abundance is completely God’s doing, Again we see that our God is worthy to be praised. Our God deserves glorious praise. What are the similarities between Hannah’s prayer of praise and psalm 66?

1 comment:

  1. "I would rather have a moment of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." (Quote from an old chick flick)
    We might not know the longing of someone else's heart, the deep aching of needing to be filled by something we don't understand or need ourselves. But there is something that we all long for, each of us have something that if only we had a glimpse of it or a taste of it we would be filled. we all too often look to the world to fill our cup of emptiness then find that we had to spend too much of ourselves to get it, leaving us dissatisfied and empty.
    Thanks be to God there is a cup he can feel and our cup will overflow. (Psalm 23:5b)
    Hannah had longed for a child for many years and God blessed her with a sun that she in return gave back to the Lord. And her womb was open and she then conceived and had three sons and two daughters.
    At first I could not believe the joy Hannah felt as she gave her young child to the Lord. But her Joy did not come from her flash but from her spirit and her spirit was filled with the Holy Spirit. And the Lord continued to bless her with more children. What an abundance of love God had given her.
