
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 5 The True Source of Fulfillment

            How has Psalm 63 and the other scriptures we have read in this Bible study helped you            realize God as the source of all peace, hope, security, love and contentment?

·         Knowing that God is the true source of fulfillment and that He fills us though intimate fellowship with Him, why is it so important that we feed our faith through regular worship, prayer, Bible study and participation in the Lord’s Supper?

·         Psalm 63:11 reads, “But the king will rejoice in God all who swear by God’s name will praise Him.” When God has filled your emptiness, what has been your response? How do you rejoice in God? How do you praise Him?

·         Enjoy a time in fellowship with God right now as you read Ephesians 3:16-21

 How has this study helped you “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” for you?

Praise and thank God in prayer and song for His deep love for you.

Pray also that God will help you to be faithful in worship and the study of His Word.


  1. This week has went by too fast!
    I have been encouraged and challenged all at the same time.
    There is so much to learn on this word 'Emptiness' that I suggest we take another week and really let our hearts take time to let it all sink in.

    If you have been following this study and making notes in your own journal, you, like me have spent a far amount of time in the word and in prayer this week. (What a wonderful feeling when your cup overflows with His mercy and love.)

    Let me know what you think about keeping these last 5 Day post's up for us to revisit (or visit for the first time) next week?

    Don't forget this site will only be available (starting next week) for those who 'join this site'. I don't want to leave anyone out, but it has been asked by more then a few ladies that this site be private. We would all feel more comfortable in sharing openly if we new it was just to those committed to this Bible study.

    I know some of you are just following by email and that might still be an option after I make the site private. So, I guess we will just have to hope for the best! : )

  2. I first saw the word "Emptiness" and thought wow I have no time to feel emptiness??? My world is way too busy. With that thought on my heart I began to read Psalm 63 and allowed the Holy Spirit to fell that empty place that is always there, unless I choose to fill my soul with Gods words. I believe that this study is going to be a great way to refuel and build on the essential that I so often take for granted. Blessing to U All, PK
