
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Martha’s Storms (day3)


Describe a time in your teen years when your parents, teachers, or other adults expected certain things from you. Tell what these expectations were and if and how they caused storms in your life. Looking back as an adult, would you consider these reasonable or unreasonable expectations?

Read Luke 10:38-42. What are some things Martha might have done before she spoke to Jesus to let Mary know that she needed help? How does Martha indicate by what she says that she might have even been upset with Jesus?

·         Can you describe what you feel or do when you see people not carrying their fair share of the work?

·         How was Martha reacting to the preparations she had chosen to do?

·         What words from Psalm 55 might Martha have used to express her feelings?

Luke 10:41, “you are worried and upset about many things”. Jesus was not putting Martha down. Rather, He was telling her, “Martha, put first things first. When you choose to hear My Word, then you can go about your work with a singing heart. God’s love revealed to you in My Word will remove any storm that you yourself have caused. Then work will not be a yoke around your neck but a service of joy.”

Read Matthew 11:28-30

1 comment:

  1. Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught…Ps.55:1,2
    A few years back my Aunt loaned me a book about ‘The Way They Learn’. Although this book seemed to be about children’s learning styles, the Author gave great detail and example for every ones style of learning. This book forever changed my way of thinking towards children in their learning style and most importantly my own as well as those around me.
    As I re-read the accounts of Mary and Martha I see that these women, although sisters under one ruff, think and act very much in their own style. I have often asked myself, ‘What women might I follow after? Is Mary really making the better choice? Well, if both women were at the feet of Jesus then who would be preparing the meal?!
    Oh how I love the Living Word! He speaks to us through His word, directs us in our path and reveals in His timing the things in which we need to understand in His marvelous plan for our lives.
    This is how I see the women in their unique style’s; Martha, the orderly one who puts others before herself and Mary, the spontaneous one who puts others before herself. The women both have good intentions to please and worship God. But in this scenario, Martha did not have a joyful heart in doing what was called of her. Mary trusted that she needed/wanted to be at the feet of Jesus (and I’m sure she would be the first one to help clean up the mess after everyone had left).
    Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16
