
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fear (day 3) God works through Esther

To realize God’s grip on Esther’s life and on the lives of those around her, read the following Scripture. How did God direct, control, and use the events recorded here?

·         Esther 2:2-17

·         Esther 2:21-23

When has God arranged for you to be in the right place at the right time?

·         Esther 3:1-11

·         Esther 4:1-16

·         Esther 5:1-3; 7:3-7

·         Esther 6:1-2

How does realizing that God sets His plan into motion long before crises even start, comfort and strengthen you in your own times of crises?

How can a renewed trust in God’s timing, control, and directing of your life affect your fears?

Read Psalm 56. Which verses particularly apply to Esther and God’s people in this account?

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