
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Children of Israel

Patiently Awaiting

Parents might talk about how a strong-willed or mischievous child "tests" their patience. In that context, the child rebels against the parent, who then must figure out the appropriate response. Imagine you have told your child to stay away from the cookies jar until after dinner. Behind your back, she disobeys you. When you find her, how do you respond? If you do nothing, she will lose her respect for you. If you react in anger, you might punish her too harshly. Keep this scenario in mind as you read Exodus 32 and discuss the following questions.

* In Exodus 34:1, God refers to a previous set of stone tablets on which He had written the Ten Commandments. What happened to them (See Exodus 32:1-19).

* What did God propose to do to His people in response to the great sin in Exodus 32? Why didn't God do it?

* How did God discipline them? (See Exodus 32:19-29;35.)

* What does Moses do that gives us an early picture of the cross of Christ? (See Exodus 32:30-34)

Now read Exodus 34:1-7. The Lord "unpacks" His name for Moses in verses 6 and 7.
* What do we learn about the Lord in these verses?

* Compare several translations of verse 6 with one another. How do they differ?

* Discuss the justice (righteousness) of God and the mercy (grace) of God in light of Exodus 34:7 and Exodus 20:3-6.

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