Day 2 Naomi’s
Times of Emptiness
read, Ruth
As a child have you ever been alone, lost, in a
strange place, or with people you did not know? How did you react?
How does Naomi view God in her situation? How
does her outlook affect her relationship with God and her sense of emptiness? Read, Ruth 1: 13 & 20-21
Oftentimes when we face emptiness,
our sinful nature urges us to respond in detrimental ways, but sinful responses
to emptiness are merely a slippery slop to the very bottom of the pit.
What effect do these responses have on our
Lash out
Lock it all inside and pretend you’re fine
Sigh and mope a lot
Reject all offers of help, concern, and
Try to fill the emptiness by doing “stuff”
Reject God
Why did Naomi so persistently reject Ruth’s
desire to help? Why do we reject others’ help and concern?
When we respond sinfully, we need but one
thing—God’s merciful forgiveness in Christ Jesus. Record God’s faithfulness to
Naomi in spite of her sinful responses:
Ruth 1:22,
2:17-20, 4:9-10, 4:13-17
God never quit working His wonderful plan on
Naomi’s behalf. How might the words of Psalm 63 have helped Naomi to see God’s
faithful love in her life?
Share (if you wish) a time in your life when God
was faithful in spite of your unfaithfulness.
Pay attention this week at various ways you react to
emptiness. Ask God to forgive you for
responding to emptiness by turning away from Him and those He has provided to
help. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to what God is doing and has
done to show His faithful love.
Soak yourself in God’s love through His Word. Ephesians
3:16-21; Psalm 145:13-21; Psalm 146; Psalm 33
Write the words of 2 Timothy 2:13 on a card. Tape it to your
mirror as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.