
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'Refuge' (Day 4) God’s Refuge; God’s Victory

Describe the quietest part of your day. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the quietest and 10 the loudest, mark on the chart where your mornings are (A.M.); your afternoons (P.M.); your evenings (E); and your nights (N).
1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9              10

Read Psalm 46:1-3. What descriptive words does the psalmist use to portray the tumult caused by sin? What kinds of noisy tumult do you see in the world today? Describe a noisy time in your own life.

·         In the very first verse, however, we are told that God is our refuge and strength. How was He a refuge for Jehoshaphat? For Anna? For Martha? At other times for the children of Israel?

·         How have you found God to be a personal refuge for you in the last few weeks of this course?

·         Read John 4:10-14. What does this say about living water? Why is Jesus, our living water, necessary when our lives are under siege? What other blessings does He give?

·         In what ways will the Christian church today not be moved? Why? What does this mean for you? For your faith?

Think of the greatest violence of all times: the beating, the scourging, the piercing, the agony, the death of Jesus. God’s justice demanded perfect atonement for sin. Only through Jesus’ perfect life, His violent death, and His glorious resurrection was God able to put an end to the results of sin: eternal damnation and everlasting separation from Him. How much God loves you and me!

Psalm 46:10

·         Why do we need to “be still and know” that God is God? How will you exalt God in your own life? With family? With friends? In your neighborhood or community? In your church?

“Be still and know” that God is God for a period of two or three minutes of absolute silence. Exalt God in your mind, Meditate on His greatness and power, His strength for you, and His claim on you.

“The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:11).

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

‘Refuge’ (Day 3) Martha’s Refuge

Read Psalm 46

Make a list of things for which you have waited or are waiting for. Place a star or asterisk by the things that take the most patience in waiting.

Read John 11

·         Why do you suppose Jesus delayed going to Bethany? Why do you think Jesus said that this sickness would not end in death, but yet Lazarus died?

·         Put your own name into verse 5: “Jesus love(s)…” And yet, at times we tell Jesus our problems and no answer seems to come. Why do you suppose Jesus delays His answers to us? When delays to prayers happen, how do you react? What do you do?

·         How is Martha’s faith in Jesus evident in how she first greets Him? How is the weakness of her faith evident?

·         How do you greet answers that Jesus brings you? How do you show evidence of your faith in Him as your refuge from all problems?

·         How does our wishing for ”what might have been” get in the way of our belief? How can you strengthen your faith?

o   Psalm 119:28

o   Isaiah 41:10

o   Romans 1:11-12

o   Ephesians 3.16

Jesus doesn’t scold or explain, He simply tells Martha, “Your brother will rise again.” And Martha proclaims her belief in the final refuge for all believers: “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Read aloud Jesus’ response and Martha’s confession of faith in John 11:25-27

God always answers our prayers in ways that are best for us, in ways that bring Him glory, and in ways that further His kingdom. Think of ways in which the Lord has answered your prayers of need and refuge. How did His answers meet your needs?  Bring Him glory? Meet the needs of others? Bring about good for His kingdom?

‘Refuge’ (Day 2) Anna’s Refuge

·         Psalm 46

·         Numbers 35:5-15

·         Psalm 16

Anna was a prophetess.  Biblical prophets interpreted the present, foretold the future, and were the voice of God for His people.

·         Read Luke 2:36-38 to discover more about Anna.

·         Where do you find refuge? Why do you choose that refuge? Is your refuge secure? Will it be moved?

·         If you could ask Anna any question about her relationship with God, what would you say?

In what ways do you serve God? Why do you choose those ways for service? In what ways is your service to God a refuge that God has provided for you?

What keeps us from seeking refuge in God? Why do we sometimes stand within the tempests of life and refuse to “come out of the rain”? How does the Lord lead us to seek His refuge?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

‘Refuge’ (Day 1) God’s Victories for His People

Jehoshaphat was a king of Judah who “did what was right in the eyes of the LORD” (1Kings 22:43). Not only was Jehoshaphat aware of God’s presence in his life, but during his reign, the Levites “taught throughout Judah, taking with them the Book of the Law of the LORD; they went around to all the towns of Judah and taught the people: (2 Chronicles 17:9). Indeed, “The fear of the LORD fell on all the kingdoms of the lands surrounding Judah, so that they did not make war with Jehoshaphat” (17:10)

·         Read 2 Chronicles 20, what was the unexpected cloud on Jehoshaphat’s peaceful horizon?

·         What is your first reaction to trouble that disturbs your peace? How would your family or friends describe how you face crises; what victories do you need in your life?

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” Verse 12

·         When have you felt yourself to be totally inadequate in situations where there seemed to be no way out; what was your reaction; how did God respond to your need?

·         What was the answer to Jehoshaphat? How did God carry out His plan?

·         Read Psalm 46, What verses especially reveal prayer that Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah could have prayed as they marched from Jerusalem and as they returned?

In what ways has God revealed Himself to you, that He is with you, that He is your refuge?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

God’s Presence in the Midst of Storms (day 4)


Reread Psalm 55

·         Looking back over the past three days, what did the people discover about themselves as they were beset by storms?

·         What did they learn about God as they confronted Him---or as He confronted them, about God’s redeeming work in Jesus?

·         Where can you too go when the storms of life come upon you? Why can you trust that God will be with you, that He will hear and answer your cry?

Jesus fought our biggest battle---the war waged against the devil, the world, and our own sinful flesh---when He suffered on the cross for our sins. He died victorious, for God had demanded a blood sacrifice for our redemption, and that is the price Jesus paid. But Jesus also rose victorious, showing death and the devil once and for all that they had no power over Him---and over those he for whom He had gone to the cross. Since Jesus defeated death and the devil, know for a certainty that He will also join in your battles against them. You are God’s child, and He does not want to see you beaten down and destroyed. The words of verse 16 are written in the present tense. God’s saving is an ongoing, ever-present occurrence.

Read Isaiah 40:31 and John 14

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Martha’s Storms (day3)


Describe a time in your teen years when your parents, teachers, or other adults expected certain things from you. Tell what these expectations were and if and how they caused storms in your life. Looking back as an adult, would you consider these reasonable or unreasonable expectations?

Read Luke 10:38-42. What are some things Martha might have done before she spoke to Jesus to let Mary know that she needed help? How does Martha indicate by what she says that she might have even been upset with Jesus?

·         Can you describe what you feel or do when you see people not carrying their fair share of the work?

·         How was Martha reacting to the preparations she had chosen to do?

·         What words from Psalm 55 might Martha have used to express her feelings?

Luke 10:41, “you are worried and upset about many things”. Jesus was not putting Martha down. Rather, He was telling her, “Martha, put first things first. When you choose to hear My Word, then you can go about your work with a singing heart. God’s love revealed to you in My Word will remove any storm that you yourself have caused. Then work will not be a yoke around your neck but a service of joy.”

Read Matthew 11:28-30

Monday, April 13, 2015

Storms for the Woman at the Well (day2)


Think back to a time in your “middle’ childhood (ages 8 to 12). If you feel comfortable doing so, discuss with a small group the biggest storm you faced at that time.

Jesus walked through Samaria. This was unusual because no Jew deliberately chose that road from
Judea to Galilee, going instead the “long way around” traveling across the Jordan and up the east side.  But Jesus had a mission. “He needed to go through Samaria” (John 4:4), this need included a woman. Read John 4:6-26

·         What storms are you facing that might cause you to say, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove? I would fly away and be at rest” (Psalm 55:6)?

·         What did Jesus know about the woman? What did He want her to know about Him in the midst of her storm? About God? How did Jesus show that He loved this woman and that He cared about her daily life and her spiritual life?

·         Why has God chosen you? What does He know about you? How has He shown His love for you and that He cares about your daily life and your spiritual life?

·         Read John 4. Sin separates us from God. When has sin separated someone you know from God’s love and from yours? When has sin separated you from God or from others?

·         In verse 10, Jesus says, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink…” God’s gift is no less that His grace to us shown in Christ Jesus, a gift paid for by Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, a gift God gives freely.

Like the woman at the well Jesus knows all about us too.  Nothing is hidden from Him. And Jesus offers that same redeeming fountain to us. He offers it in His word, in the bread and wine of His Holy Supper. Through His death on the cross He gives us eternal life, abundant life. Through His gift we are made alive in Him, made clean in His blood---from the inside out. All our sin and guilt are washed away. What does this gift mean to you? What is your response to it?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

David Faces Tempest and Storms (day1)


How strong are the storms of life you face today?

·         Not—the sun is shining brightly

·         A gentle shower

·         A steady downpour

·         A dense fog

·         A thunderstorm with dark clouds and lightning flashes

·         An icy blizzard with slippery slopes

·         A hurricane or tornado with damaging winds

David wrote Psalm 55 at the time Absalom was leading a rebellion against him. Having his own son take up arms against him broke a torrent of feelings in David (Psalm 63), but on top of that was the wrenching discovery of a close friend’s betrayal. Ahithophel had been David’s advisor and counselor (2 Samuel 16:23). Read about his betrayal in 2 Samuel 15:10-12 and 30-37. Briefly describe David’s situation.

·         How does David describe the storms in his life? Read Psalm 55

·         What did David long for? Read verses 6-8

·         What happens to a relationship when trust is betrayed? Have you ever been betrayed or disappointed by a friend, relative, coworker? What was your reaction? How did you deal with your feelings?

·         David wanted refuge, and he also wanted Ahithophel’s advice to come to nothing.  Read verses 9-11

·         2 Samuel 5:1-4 tells us that God had chosen David to be king over Israel, and in 1 Kings 1:28-31 and 3-7 we find that Solomon was to be his successor Absalom was not only defying his father, the king, but also God’s plan for the kingdom of Israel. What is God’s plan for your life? What evil sometimes gets in the way of God’s fulfilling His plan for you and for His kingdom through you?

·         What do you know about God? Why can you confidently put your trust in Him?