
Sunday, September 6, 2015


Here is a recap on 'family love' and what we have (or should have) read this past week.

There are many wonderful examples of family love in the Scriptures that we can learn from. This past week we were encouraged to not only read but experience what 'family love' can look like through the lives of Isaac and Rebekah and Naomi along with Ruth and Boaz. Ok, let me back up and state the obvious; If God had nothing to do with either of these families' I would have nothing to gain from their way of 'family love'. Wouldn't you agree that you would want to learn how to love your family from a well mannered, 'God fearing' family? Me too!

I once refereed to the people in the Bible as characters. Not realizing that I was placing them as fictional people acting out the story of God's message. My husband lovingly corrected me on how these people are not character's in the Bible but rather the people God has chosen to carry out His message. He has given us His message through these real life people so that we might learn of His Love and how He shinned His light through His people so we might hear His message. After all, Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ. (Romans 10:17)

If you haven't already read the real life events of Rebekah and Naomi please do so. I would like to encourage you to walk along side these women as you read or reread their story. You are also invited to comment on the post's as you will see I shared some of my thought's.


What is it to me?

Please leave your thoughts below and remember that God is still at work in us and we are all in different walks of life then the next lady. So please share openly knowing that God has placed you in the position you are in for His glory. And if it is His glory, we to will shine for Him. (Matthew 5:16)

1 comment:

  1. If you have not already signed into Google you will need to do so in order to comment as 'you'. Or you can leave your response as anonymous with out signing in. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding our Bible study via FB or email.

    P.S.To my friends who love to edit my grammar, I am not offended by your correction and I hope you are not offended by my grammar because I am a work in progress admitting my need for improvement when it comes to writing. I am one who will admit that I learn best the hard way (although I wish it were not so hard all the time) and value the advice from those who have gone before me.

    I am excited for this new Bible study as we open our hearts to Christ's message revealed in His Word. Let us not be spectators of His Word but rather a friend of Jesus walking hand in hand with Him through His message of the 'Fruit of the Spirit'.

