Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Would you be so kind as to forgive someone who hurt you and humiliated you in public?
Or would you repay evil for evil?
Joseph had made a choice to forgive the wrong done to him by his brothers.
Because God showed His kindness to Joseph (Genesis 39:2-3 & 41:39) he then was able to show kindness to his brothers.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. Genesis 50:20-21

How does Boaz show kindness in Ruth 2:16?
Why do you think Boaz is showing kindness in this way?
What does Naomi mean when she says; "The LORD bless him!... "He has not stopped showing kindness to the living and the dead." (Ruth 2:20-21)
James 1:22 reads, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
So then how do we show Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control? By your actions! We must be doers of the Word!
Share a time you have shown kindness to someone in need after forgiving them.
Recently I have been thinking about how I have not been a better friend to someone I have been praying for lately. True I have been praying often that the Lord would watch over and guide this person, but I have not picked up the phone and called this friend to let them know I am here to listen or ask to meet for coffee face to face and pray with them.
ReplyDeleteJoseph not only forgave his brothers he showed his love and kindness by his actions. And he continued to show them kindness through it all.
Let us show kindness to each other not only by praying for one another but actually doing something that will show our kindness by our actions.
I would like to encourage us all to pick up the phone or write a letter to show our kindness by our actions to someone in need. (and yes a real letter not just an email :)