Describe the quietest part of your day. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the quietest and 10 the loudest, mark on the chart where your mornings are (A.M.); your afternoons (P.M.); your evenings (E); and your nights (N).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Read Psalm 46:1-3. What descriptive words does the psalmist use to
portray the tumult caused by sin? What kinds of noisy tumult do you see in the
world today? Describe a noisy time in your own life.
In the very first verse, however, we are told
that God is our refuge and strength. How was He a refuge for Jehoshaphat? For Anna?
For Martha? At other times for the children of Israel?
How have you found God to be a personal refuge
for you in the last few weeks of this course?
Read John 4:10-14. What does this say about
living water? Why is Jesus, our living water, necessary when our lives are
under siege? What other blessings does He give?
In what ways will the Christian church today not
be moved? Why? What does this mean for you? For your faith?
Think of the greatest violence of all times: the beating, the
scourging, the piercing, the agony, the death of Jesus. God’s justice demanded
perfect atonement for sin. Only through Jesus’ perfect life, His violent death,
and His glorious resurrection was God able to put an end to the results of sin:
eternal damnation and everlasting separation from Him. How much God loves you
and me!
Psalm 46:10
“Be still and know” that God is God for a period of two or three
minutes of absolute silence. Exalt God in your mind, Meditate on His greatness
and power, His strength for you, and His claim on you.
“The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm
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